• Most bugs have already been squashed, but this game launched today and may still have bugs in it! Let them know in the comments or on our Discord and we'll patch them ASAP.
  • Currently there's a saving / loading issue with the HTML version, so it's been disabled until that's resolved. We recommend getting one of the downloadable versions from the downloads section until then!

Pull out your cooking apron and kitchenware, 
it's time to cook and collect 'Mons!

Gather ingredients and cook up recipes to attract various 'Mons to your campsite.
Chat, interact and bond with your new friends to unlock new things to do with them.
See if you can get all of them to REALLY like you...

Presenting Pocket Campfire, a Tamagotchi-style experience with a handful of different 'Mons to collect and interact with! You play as a seasoned camper who loves to get to know the local 'Mons, making friends and exploring sexuality with them.

This game contains adult themes, graphic sexual interaction and 'Human x Creature' content. All characters depicted were conciously authored to be sapient, biologically adult and consenting fantasy beings of human-level intelligence, but viewer discretion is advised!




V2.0  [New!]

There's been a LOT of time between last update and this one and it's obvious a lot of stuff currently doesn't work properly. There's been a lot of issues and silence, but after the previous programmer's leave from the project we've been rebuilding!

A complete final update has been released, with the game having been rebuilt in a different engine from the ground up. You can expect the following:

New Content:

  • Completely rebuilt in GameMaker Studio 2 (downloadable game!)
  • 1 New 'Mon joined the roster!
  • Over 2000 new dialogue lines
  • New additional sprites and more elaborate 'Interact' sequences
  • New cooking items with more varying effects

Reworks & Features:

  • Completely new contextual dialogue system (based on e.g. affection, energy).
  • New contextual sprites (ties in with new dialogue system).
  • Cooking overhaul with more thought-out recipe crafting and additional items.
  • Audio re-do for all NSFW animations
  • Miscellaneous visual & experience polish


  • Turned NSFW animations into video (better file size & load times)
  • All game animations fixed (e.g. walking, berry dropping)
  • RNG improvements (pseudo-RNG measures to make things less grindy).
  • Rebalancing to improve the general experience
  • Various quality of life changes

We know it's long overdue, but we hope you'll love this final installment of Pocket Campfire!


We've released the first version of our game, woohoo!
There's still things we need to fix and implement, such as a few better gameplay animations and sound effects. Some things may still feel a little rough.

Here's a little summary of all the content you can find:

  • Interacting with 'Mons in your camp.
  • Cooking to attract new 'Mons and feed current ones.
  • Berry catch minigame to collect ingredients.
  • 3 different 'Mons to collect (each has male & female variants).
  • Animated NSFW scenes for each 'Mon.

We'll be implementing bugfixes and new 'Mons over time, but the main gameplay likely won't see too many changes. 

NOTE:  We have temporarily disabled a scene for one of the 'Mons. We're reworking it at the moment and will add it to the game soon!

Next to the web version we have now, we're planning to create a downloadable version soon, which will have save functionality.

We hope you'll enjoy the game!




Join our Discord for questions, updates or just socializing!

PawPunch Discord Server

PlatformsWindows, Android, HTML5
Release date Sep 08, 2020
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(1,295 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withClip Studio Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, PixiJS
Tags2D, Adult, camping, Erotic, Furry, Monsters, NSFW, Singleplayer, tamagotchi
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsMouse, Touchscreen
LinksWebsite, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter


PocketCampfire v2.0 - Windows Installer 429 MB
PocketCampfire v2.0 - Windows Zip 415 MB
PocketCampfire v2.0 - Android 432 MB

Development log


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When will this game be available to download for MacOS

I think this is how the enigma berry works? If you're looking for a specific mon, put the enigma berry in the corresponding slot.

1: A.Vulpix

2: Braixen

3: Cinderace

4: Lucario

5: Nickit

6: Vulpix

7: Zoroark

I'm pretty sure 8 is just A.Vulpix again.

A work of art!!!!

also can you add a fullscreen function window is ok but i with i could enlarge it

(1 edit)

adding more mons is a great idea but with so many mons well need somewhere to put them so our screen doesent get overloaded


found out how to enter full screen alt + enter =]
anyway ive been grinding berry's for any pokemon that come out in updates i hope they come out

also i saw this in the comments below so just adding as something new and more easy to see add where in s*x animations you can be bottom with male and female mons

(3 edits) (+1)

love the game! it's short n sweet while being a fun simple game! I know i for one would love to see a continuation of this from you in future games or that of a similar nature ^_^. also just spitballing here you could always use this as a starting point and do an adventure type pokemon game where you just camp and lure them in like this and you get different mons depending on area! 


game won't load after downlaoding & redownloading;


action number 1

of Create Event

for object obj_mainmenu_splash:

ds_list_find_value argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGI32)############################################################################################

gml_Script_scr_load_game_data (line 14)

gml_Object_obj_mainmenu_splash_Create_0 (line 13)


Also affecting me, it was working normally last night, but today it's bugging out.


PLS i know you said this is the last update but can you please add more to it this game is amazing


how to let my game with fullscreen

linux version when

tired of having to rely on Itch desktop running the browser version

there's a bug with the in browser game

 the characters and items show up as black squares and rectangles

This shit is fucking amazing! Please keep it up!


This is a pretty cute game. I can see a lot of care and effort was put into it.

That all being said, I'd love to see Skitty in it. It's just my favorite mon is all. Either way, this game is cute and the hand-drawn art is well-done.


Wonderful! I hope to add Absol, Eeveelutions, Alolan Ninetales and more pokemons soon!


even though it's a porn game,

It entertains me, lol.

Add 2 more Pokémon, so that there are 10 boxes, and a minigame in the river, like bathing the Pokémon

(I wanted delphox lol)

(1 edit) (+5)

Just letting people know which slot summons which pokemon with the enigma berry to get your favorite faster, slot 1 is alolan vulpix, slot 2 is braixen, 3 is cinderace, 4 is Lucario, 5 is Nickit, 6 is kantonian vulpix, 7 is zoroark, and 8 is random. You can use berries to determine the gender and encounter boosting berries if you want to improve your odds


I'm planning on trying to mod this for funsies. Dunno if I'll be able to figure out how to mod it or if I can replicate the artstyle correctly, but I wanna see more pokemon in the game and might as well try myself. Could be a fun project to learn more abt modding too. I'm thinking I'll add Floragato, Meowstic (different forms for male & female) and maybe like primarina.


test it! It would be fun and if it turns out well you could share it with us.


that would be awesome good luck, please share it with us if you can appreciate you.


yes please do it! i hope you can figure out how, good luck. 


I've found a good tutorial on youtube for modding gamemaker games and I've already figured out the design for one of the mons, floragato. I'll be on the pawpunch discord trying to post updates on stuff and hopefully get help from other artists and game makers.

(1 edit)

bro congrats. i hope it goes well.

(1 edit)

That would be great, suggestions: lopunny, gardevoir, eveelutions, Charizard, and maybe evolutions of some pokemon already in the game? I could also help with concept art

I want to know how many Pokemon are currently on the list.

sadly there is only 7 mons :(


Alolan Vulpix does count as a different mon from normal Vulpix, right? I mean, is pretty much the same but it counts, right?


guess so i mean they basically have same scenes only

Alolan Vulpix is a bit shiner then other one :D

Yeah, I mean, I got a lil disapointed when the last mon was just a Vulpix variant but ya know, it's not bad, just thought that idk, there would be something else. But the game is still great


Mobile version won't install. Just gives me the error "App not installed".

(1 edit) (+1)

a lot of stuff shows up as black squares like the berries and grass when you find a new mon also the mons themselves so basically everything shows up as black squares


Yup, that's what I'm talking about as well, it seems fixed for me currently though.

When I use the mobile browser version, it zooms in too much for me to continue past the warning screen. When I switch to desktop site, all text boxes are completely black meaning I can't see dialogue, and some sprites (which ones that are black change every time) are completely black as well.


 when's the next update


Theres gotta be more Mons outside of Nikit, Vulpix, Braixen, Lucario, Cinderace and Zoroark. I feel like I'm going crazy trying to get different Mons because I'm pretty sure I've seen them all. Is there a berry combination that ensure certain Mons? Is there a secret berry code to get a secret Mon? Is there fucking Gardevoir!? How can you have a Mons game and not have Gardevoir!?


Or lopunny?! Plus I'd love to see some eveelutions.

Braixen Oral seems to not work properly. Showed a black screen and was fine when i swapped. Swapped back and the animation froze.

Can you make it so after you done sex atleast 1-3 times the pokemon becomes fully available for any time usage?


I kinda wish that there was a third sex option for you to be the submissive one, I like the game and love to play it when I'm bored but I think it would be a really cool feature for you to either become a have a pokemon pov where you wonder into a humans campsite or where the human that you play can be penetrated instead of just penetrating... Just wanted to put my thoughts out there...

NOOOOO on the human being penetrated and your probably bored because there is no variety. No difference if its male or female, the positions are always the same. Maybe if they add different positions, sexual acts, maybe they can have it so you can choose to be submissive or dominant. Your bored because its repetitive and theres no difference. (Not saying the game is bad because its very good just being honest)

I agree completely man, I just really wish that they had other options I mean imagine if you could choose to be submissive and you could like go on little sidetracks in the forest and get like strap ons and stuff, and you could have a POV of getting pounded by one of them.



hey idk if you noticed but when Male Braixen is aroused they gain breasts. You could find a way to take that and turn it into a new rare intersex version of the mons


Come on, doesn't anyone see that the mobile version is actually having problems?


i sure hope so this game gets sequel

it was one of best H games i played in a while


we dont need a sequel we need an update

that works too :D


This is just a suggestion for an update, don't take it as a negative criticism: in the next update why don't you add more images showing what happens when you interact with the "Mons"?

so is there gonna be next update soon ? (don't mean to rush just ask)

Pocket Campfire will be a sequel and new characters

A lot of the Portraits are black bars for me 

I'm on the web version BTW


1. This game would be hillarious to speedrun.

2. Please consiser adding more content. I'm absolutely certain that many of us that would be willing to back or contribute to the project. As many have pointed out, it would be a shame to rework the game from the ground up just to abandon it. This is a unique game with MANY explorable aspects. The stone ruins near camp could indicate legendaries, mythicals, or an entirely new area. You could add more berries and pokémon. You could allow us to nickname pokémon. You could add shinies. You could add scenes where the Pokémon dom the player. You could add "double battles." You could add stones in the ground for evolution. You could add Paldean sandwiches to boost berry rates or pickup rates. If I haven't listed enough potential, I'm certain the other replies could help. There is so, so much you could do with this medium, and I'm certain that we would support the team all the way. This is a great concept for a game.

3. Damn, Zoroark is hot. Good job there, gang.

On the downloadable version now, I cooked a meal with Rice and a single Enigma berry in Slot 2, and it gave me this error:




action number 1

of Other Event: User Defined 0

for object obj_sequence_textbox:

ds_map_find_value argument 1 invalid reference to (ds_map) - requested 21 max is 54############################################################################################

gml_Script_scr_generate_text_prompt (line 23)

gml_Object_obj_sequence_textbox_Other_10 (line 4)

gml_Script_scr_create_sequence_textbox (line 8)

gml_Object_obj_cooking_sequence_Alarm_2 (line 0)

I'm on the online version, and the game crashed to a black screen when I dragged a Pecha berry from my cookpot to an empty slot in my bag.


Why rebuild the game completly and after one update leave it?

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