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Alright everyone calm down on asking for more stuff, the devs are working on fixing the bugs for the 2.0.0 update, so why don't we wait until they are done with the bug fix to ask them for more stuff.

Guess not.


Pueden introducir a gardevoir


me encantaria pronta la actualizacion xd 


I like this game very much, I want the background music of this game, and I hope I can see more pokemon in the future


Oh My God!! This is really really perfect!!! Plz, add more pokemon! I need Zeraora


I cant agree anymore. zeraora will be soooo nice

Zeraora would be nice, but you're going to have to wait quite a while for it, since the devs are still working on fixing v2.0.


i need a latios and latias OwO

I'm with you :)


It's be cool if Android can download it


Needs  charizard


Will not load past 1/4

Deleted 3 years ago

It could possibly be due to either of your PC Specs, wifi, or browser.


fr same ;-;


criadores eu tenho uma ideia pra essa nova atualizacao: entao podia ter um modo minigame que vc podia brincar com os seus pokemons 

Outra ideia: entao vcs podiam botar os pokemon:zoroark delphox primarina blaziquen e entao e gardevoir entao e isso tchau espero que vcs adicionem essas ideias


i put this in google translation: 

creators I have an idea for this new update: 
so you could have a minigame
 mode that you could play with your pokemons
Another idea: then you could put the pokemon: 
zoroark delphox primarina blaziquen and then and 
gardevoir then and that bye I hope you guys add those ideas

Não creio que eles consigam fazer isso porque já estão 
trabalhando para consertar a 2ª atualização, mas talvez 
consigam colocá-la em uma 3ª atualizaçã usei o Google Tradutor

e pode ser



Anyone know how to download in Android?


Algem me ajuda,eu baixei o arquivo mas nao consigo jogar algem ai me ajuda?


i looked at the animations and they looked great, but i was wondering if you could add an anal animation to the female version's. 




dont charge :(

(1 edit)

i don't think they can without getting fucked by nintendo

if you mean what i think you mean, anyway


This is messed up and cute! >.> Like!

Items and berries picked disappear from the inventory, can't make any headway with the pokemon, because they refuse to do anything no matter how much wooing is done, and get upset. Are you going to fix these problems? Because currently? The game isn't enjoyable...

(1 edit) (+1)

in order to do more stuff with your mons, 1st pet them, 2nd chat, 3rd then examine, then you can interact further repeat step 2 and 3 to interact even further

Hello, I live your game and all, but how do we save?

you can only save in the new version and they are fixing the new version right now. 

Oh ok, my bad, and is there will be more than three pokemon too? Except lucario, hibanny and the fox pokemon (don't remember the name sorry😅)? 

Deleted 3 years ago

besides cinderace, nickit, and lucario, in the new update there i going to be vulpix, alolan vulpix, and braxien. there will also be a new Berry 

OK cool

what happend to lucario vaginal?

ngl this is pretty good

one question tho, will there be sex scenes that mons top you instead? just wondering


braixen nsfw is on top of you


i tried on android browser but in the sex scenes it gets black and i can´t do anything


yeah that happened to me

Didn't happen to me and i use android


Still not working on my PC. ;_;

Try resetting

(2 edits) (+2)


ITWORKED i did  run into a few bugs and after evry sex seen i had to restart the game but IT WORKED ON APK.  All you have to do is make sure to have  at least 400MB available and restart your phone and then try it, it worked for me. Oh and also they said that "they only added 2 new mons to the game" but i got 3 new mons such as vulpix, braixen, and Alolan vulpix. Also when you get the game it should appear on your home screen.


how did you get braixen? cause I've been trying for ages to get one to appear.

(1 edit)

you have to have updated 2.0.0, you need at least 5 red berries 1 packet and then cook them you might get a cinderence or a braixen


did it work


got any plans on putting this on the play store and also could you make it so that once you compleat an action,like getting them to show you their ass,then you can do it as many times as you want instead of having to back out then call them again

I can't play anymore I get to the sex part of the interaction and the screen goes black There is something I can do

If it helps, bugs I've experienced so far: 

- When making an incomplete curry (like 4 berries), the entire stack is consumed. 

- Female cinderace cannot roll from curry? I probably went through about 30 male cinderace just savescumming to see what would happen. Ended up editing the json data.

- On the android app, repetitively tapping the basket will cause multiple simultaneous berry catching games to occur. This can happen if you let go of the basket at any point.

That's all I've experienced so far. As for qol requests: 

- Text speed setting?

- Preferred gender? 

- Some visual display of the internal affection / arousal values? 

That's all I've got.

i'm begging for a preferred gender option,obviously is a bug

1.getting Berrys you backpack,save and load

3.infinite Berrys

i read about the new update on my pc and it looks they are already working on the downloadable versions

How do you get the second mon?

Mienshao would be great to see in a layer update.  Just feel like that’s a Pokémon that usually gets passed over for projects like this

also the ability to play the game in full screen or atleast a larger window  would be nice but that’s not that  important 

i'm having certain problems when downloading the game (in this case, the APK file) the package installer on my phone can't "promote" the apk and then i can't download it, it's probably my phone's problem why maybe someone is also having the same problem as me, or actually the apk file available for download that has a problem

(3 edits)

Im haveing the same problem 

I'm almost sure that the problem is the cell phone, after a few attempts I managed to download the APK, but I decided to talk anyway because more people like you must have this problem

Yes how do i fix it i have enough space but ill install it then it will be launching and then it will say it's not working or its not installed

honestly i don't know how, i just uninstalled two games that i didn't play anymore (for personal reasons) and i managed to install, i suppose i was lucky, anything, try restarting the device

ok ill tell you if it works 



There are definitely bugs in the Windows version. The text for a mon appearing gets stuck on the first one you find, regardless of what is shown. Sprites disappearing from camp until you open and close inventory. Mons defaulting to female after save and load. 

I appreciate the offline version, but it is in fair need of some fixes.

(2 edits)

So there are some huge bugs in the downloadable version  atleast for windows

.For one only the same two mons keep showing up no matter what i use to cook

. also for some reason whenever i go to play the berry minigame the mons i had before are just gone and i have to restart all their progress which kind of negates the addition of a save feature

.Also the interact options will just randomly change or lock meout of selecting certain ones for no reason

.also I think the progression system for the mons needs  to go back to how it was in version 1 because its alittle tedious now.  Also the text could scrool alot faster

Solid effort but these bugs desperately need to be fixed.

If your pokemons disappear, click on the bag or on cook and then go back, and they'll be there. Same happens after a sex scene, the fix is the same

I also got the bug where the same pokemon kept showing up, just restart the game 

The progression is a bit complicated, but i got it working, you find my reply a couple comments below

Agreeing that there's a lot of bugs.


I love everything about the new update... EXCEPT how agonizingly tedious and slow the text is when interacting with the 'mons. If it were changed back to the way it was before, I'd absolutely give this a 5/5 star rating.


Is it me, or is the progression towards intimacy with the pokemon harder? Any advice?

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 163 days ago
(5 edits)

Aight got it working, keep petting them until they're tired, then let their energy recharge (you can notice it when there's a lot of hearts around them), and make them "show themselves" to you, after that make sure their energy is full, then you have to make out, remember to let their energy always fill up back to the fullest.

After that, sex is unlocked

(2 edits)

Ima play the new updated, ill tell you how good it is it wont download i have enough space but it won't download. EDIT, it WORKED i i posted a comment telling how to fix it.

How or where do I download the update?

The update is out? It does not appear.

its out

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