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Hello Hello hello!

I love your game, it also makes me more of a fan of pokemon 7w7 jzjz

Well I came to the web to suggest adding a new pokemon like Rockruff and/or Midnight Lycanroc

Still I'm a few cracks! :D



will you be adding more pokemon? and if so can you add vulpix and ninetales please?


Odd, their Discord link doesn't work. Any reason, or is it just an old link?


Society needs more like this


it hangs on the loading screen what do i do


Exit out open it again and it should say continue 


I can’t see one of the scenes wha do I do

Its supposed to be like that


Also can you add pokemon like gardivor and garchomp just to add in some more variety


The game likes to bug out and have the mons despawn after one action on the version 2.0 please fix this and thank you


uncoming update ? this game is awseome 

Deleted post

really fun game, really hot game, love the male scenes and can't wait to be able to see even more


Fuck yeeh


will there be a bottom animation?


pplithe game is dead


can you make a version where the player is a girl? I think i'd be fun with a male and female yk




Girls don't have pp so how are you gonna breed your pokemons?

Also this game is dead.


can you ad more mon


any news?


its dead jim


does it not load for others as well?

Will you also do a Android version? The web version looks promising

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

This game looks great, I hope for new updates with more 'Mons, berries or new actions.

Bugs in the android version:

- After a short-medium game session, the music stops and after finishing an action it goes out to the camp.

- When you finish collecting berries, the 'Mons disappear.


I can't get past the loading screen.


when will you post the game again


It's the best game I've seen in my life, 

And it's not to exaggerate


is there a way to save your game so I don't have to keep on restartin?


como se consigue el vulpix?


Todos aranja(bola azul) y el condimento ese que sale en la pantalla de los Mon


i love this game




Where can I download it on my phone?




anyone got any updates about the update? A link to the discord would be appreciated.


Read the part where it says PunPinch Discord - here

They pretty much abandoned it though it make shovelware games


Well i just checked their twitter account and they have an active discord link there. The discord link for is broken so if you want to join the server just go to their twitter and it's in one of the recent tweets.


so if they've abandoned it is there any game like this?


Just for an update for people not in the discord: Progress has been slowed down due to irl issues but the game is still being worked on!




what happened to the update?

Not sure, I was also curious. No updates on their page nor their Twitter. The invite to join their Discord is expired, so I don't know if they have posted any updates in there or not. 

(2 edits)

Is the PC version still not working? Whenever I try to play this after downloading, it’ll load a little bit, then just stall. Or is it just me? Granted, the PC version for me has never worked. :(


Mine does the same


ive been playing for a while and i cant for the life of me get a female cinderace or a male vulpix to show up i have  every single other one at my camp but those 2 they will not show up for nothing i dont get it 


How 2 summon braixen and  cinderace?


use the cherrys the get cinderace


Absolutely beautiful.



wonderful game 

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