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when I fullscreen the screen is stuck in the top left of my computer is this happening to just me or what?


Love the new update.

Honestly, the only thing that could make this better is if the male Pokémon could orgasm as well during sex, because it feels like they aren’t as satisfied as the player otherwise.

Did you guys not want to try animating fluids?



why cant i see lucario and cindaraces dexture they are just black squers

i really like this game, i hope more mons cum come in the future.


I'm not sure if he's a forest Pokemon but...Who thinks about adding Sylveon and other Eeeveevolution here? Leafeon would be perfect in this spot

just say you want vaporeon :3


Vaporeon...If there will be a doodled lake or something in the background then why not. But I'm talking about Pokémon that would fit into the forest, especially Leafeon as a plant Pokémon, Sylveon would also fit, as well as Espeon and Umbreon.

yeah i guess vaporeon wouldn't fit in a forest but we need to most compatable pokemon.

so i hope we can get a vaporeon.

(1 edit) (+1)

suggestions for Pokemon to add (Ik this is supposed to be in galar from what it seems since you can encounter cinderace, plus the curry and tent, but it would be cool to see some meowscarada action) it would also be neat to see sneasler, and hisuian zoroark (especially since we have zoroark in the game already)

Deleted 324 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Click the bag button then on the side of the bag menu you click the top most button which is blue which is the save button

I have a small problem with running the game in the browser and that is that only half of the screen appears and does not load. Is it a bug or is my phone not compatible?  :(


Phones are just not compatable as of now im not the dev but i have played the game thoroughly so i know much about it

Phones are compatible but you need to be on android and download it via the apk format from the download tab

No because you can download it but when you open it you only see a corner of the screen

it worked for me when I downloaded it and opened it from the apk app version. I only had the screen cropping issue when I ran it through this site


What berries i use to summon lucario both female and male

Oran x 4 + pecha x 2 + belue or the green berries x2 and ten for the main part use sweet potatoes since it increases encounter rate this dish also works for A-vulpix A=Alolan

Will there be a Spanish translation in the future?

(1 edit) (+1)

It would be nice to add more interactions, simple touches, animated (at least simple)




Deleted 105 days ago

need more information about your phone.

Deleted 105 days ago

hmm yea alot of apk and older app are incompatible due to out of date API and a13 is Egregious with this, Try to either download an emulator that load with an older version of android.

The same thing is happening to me, do you have any emulators that you could recommend?

so i've found that any mon you take to the tent causes this crash to happen, also yes i am managing to play it just fine on my steam deck


I will leave a couple of ideas that could be good, for now what they have done is very good

-Be able to choose if you are passive or dominant with the mon

-Add more ingredients to create curious effects (I don't have any in mind at the moment)

-The strange altar to the right of the stage catches my attention, maybe add something there later?

-More mons (Salazzle, houndoom, mightyena, Gardevoir, Serperior, Grovyle, etc, etc)

At the moment that's all I have in mind for ideas, I like the result they have created so far


It hurts my eyes to see that red background everywhere on this page, please do something about it...

(1 edit)

the new version is like 25x better then the old one


If there’s gonna be another update could you add Pokémon like ninetales, salazzle, houndoom, Lycanroc, Persian, growlithe and arcanine?


(2 edits) (+1)

I'm honestly disappointed with the fact that there won't be a v3 or at least from what I know


On mobile the game wont fit the screen.

The Braixen female oral scene is just a black screen and when I try to go back to it, the game just freezes.

Need a bug fix. After you press "cum" it's immeadetly shos black screen (i got also softlocked at braixen scene after that. There was only showed black screen and i can't do anything)

That and (atleast for me) when I'm cooking and dragging ingrediants the screen also goes black after a couple drags.


A question, how to save?

it normally would auto-save but they said on the website version of the game there is something wrong with the saving so they removed it temporarily until they fix the glitch


I'm very happy to see this game finished. You guys helped inspire me to make my fan game.


Terrific work, but is there a way to resize the window for the downloaded version? it only shows up as a tiny window for me?


in the alolan vulpix tent scene the screen went black except for the UI and once the scene ended the game crashed


Woooo! Didn't expect that! awesome thanks for not letting it die!


This is the most wonderful Pokemon game I've ever seen. I am glad that it is completely free; such games are usually sold for $5. Dude, keep up the good work, this game has potential.

Keep goin!!

Oye que rico

My question is: will the game one day be on Steam and if it is, I will look forward to buying it.


Putting this game on Steam would be a death sentence on Nintendo's part, honestly before it decided to put it on sale there, which I don't think it would do, Nintendo would stop it despite being a porn game, the characters are still from Nintendo and Gamefreak lel

Sadly, the game isn't compatible with my devices :( been following the project for a long time and happy to see it finally reach the end of development! Hope everything is going great for the team!

Can you please add the eeveelutions as pokemon and can you make a feature where you can give your mons nickname as that would be cool


This is long awaited! Honestly if you changed $5 for this, i'd pay. Good content. I know it's the final but I really hope you continue this.

My game crashed when I was in the cooking menu and touched the gender swap berries

some of the sex scenes are bugged for some of the mons, and after it blackscreens and crashes the game


I am so happy this game is still ongoing.


I don't know if "ongoing" is the word here. I think that they have been on record saying this was the final update. If they were to add more Mons that would be cool, but I think this is it.


There is a bug in which from time to time, a male Braixen will have female breasts. Other than that, great job with the game!


I see that as a feature. Secret futa.

My phone is to old for the download :(

Same :"

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