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Please add Eevee, thank you!


How do I go to full screen?

Is this game still alive?


no, but someone is working on a mod for this game

where do we see about that mod? sounds interesting

idk, if you have see it on this game page but they have a discord. That's where they're talking about it

Me gustaría que agreguen nuevos Pokémon como un vaporeon,y también que pongan nuevas escenas para que no sean siempre las mismas.

how many mons in the game?


From my experience 7

Nickit, Cinderace, Lucario, Zoroark, Braixen & both forms of Vulpix [all of which can be Male or Female]


The fact that there are no other humanoid 'mons is a shame. I would love to destroy Gardevoir or Lopunny


The oral scenes involving nickit and braixen dont show up

So a female nickit showed up, but after getting another cooking session and new mons showing up, it seemingly became male. Is this a bug? Went back to female after loading a save to before the new mon appeared


There is a berry that if you cook switches gender of the pokemons in the camp


What berry?


the duo mushroom is the one make gender changed



I hope that can add the h-scenes can have if is male mons can have one more scenes is th mons is top human is bottom


I've encountered this with Lucario(f) and Zoroark(f) so far.

How the fuck did that happen dude


Bro got censored


I honestly did not expect this game to have animations for the h-scenes 10/10

Please let me know if this game releases an update.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Hey Devs you know what thought about just now? There pocketpair right? And they are not too touchy with their ip like Nintendo so… Would be a good idea to take PCF and remake it into a palworld nsfw fan game?

It won't let me scroll everytime I get in the game...

also I got Alolan vuplix  by using 2 blue berries, 2 fire berries, 2 dark berries, 1 sweet potatoes, and yeah that's it. If salazzle is in this and whoever has gotten one could you tell meh?

i did that and got nikit

Well the main berries you should use are the blue and fire berries.


tent scene super laggy


error on html with female cinderace

Deleted post

It doesn't even let me play because it says over and over again that it has moved to a new website 


Add gardevoir or kirlia

Also on android you need to download it as a app

Do someone know what nickit recipe is I'm stuck

Linux support I BEG


The game is not installed on Android

You should add goodra


Translation PT-BR Please!?


brasileiro e foda vei eu nao aguento


Pois vai ter que aguentar

brasileiro e tipo formiga ta em quase todos os cantos do mundo


The after sex dialogues are too fast, even with the dialogues in the minimum, instead let us pass the dialogues by clicking or let it go even slowe pls

It's not playing the sex scenes and it doesn't let me use any of the buttons in the sex part. The screen goes black and only the buttons are visible but not usable.
What do i do?
I'm playing the PC version btw


May we get an option to pick whether to be sub or dom, I would love to see stuff of us getting screwed by the mons


Cool idea




please let the male Mons fuc* us!! make animations of them fucking us too.


How many mons are there? Seems every time I cook I jus see the same ones I already got at camp so like 6?



Deleted post

But isn't Renamon a Digimon? It would have nothing to do with this game.

Deleted post

It would be great if they put more difficulty or variety in trying to make them fall in love and make it more difficult to be able to make them equally put more 'mons


If possible, it would be cool to see a few legendary Pokémon added in the future, love what's already in here tho (Other then the Quadrupedal styled Pokémon)


Can you add an option for picking a female main protagonist instead of a male one, please?


Anyone got a list of food reciepies?


Yeah, I got a pretty good one for a chicken pastina soup. I make it almost every week!

You'll need carrot, onion, celery, chicken (pre-cooked and shredded. If not, make your own and shred it up), chicken broth, pastina, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, paprika, and nutmeg.

Chop up your carrot, onion, and celery into fine pieces. Heat a drizzle of olive oil into a pot on high heat, then add your veggies and cook until tender. Season with salt and pepper

Once tender, add 3 cups of chicken broth to the pot, then 1 1/2 cups of water. Season with everything to your liking. Too much nutmeg can be overpowering, so watch out. Bring to a boil. 

One soup is boiling, add 1/2 cup of pastina and boil for 10 minutes. It may not look like much, but they fill up like Orbeez.

Once 10 minutes have passed, add in your chicken and simmer for 5 minutes or so.

Taste for seasoning, then enjoy! 

I recommend baking biscuits once you add in your pastina, they're the perfect combo with soup imo.

hola, una consulta ¿el juego tendrá idiomas adicionales  como español o portugués?  / Hello, I have a question: will the game have additional languages such as Spanish or Portuguese?  / Olá, uma dúvida, o jogo terá idiomas adicionais como espanhol ou português?


how do I fullscreen on PocketCampfire v2.0 - Windows Zip?

Press Alt+Enter on your keyboard!

Press Alt+Enter on your keyboard!



Can I know when they will update? I really liked the game, what other "mons" will they put in the game?


Does anyone know how many "mons" there are in the game, zeorack hasn't come up again xd I guess I said the name right, can you give me recipes?



I wish theirs a v3 or 2.5 cuz I collected them all like a new poke in the rooster and new area for new poke and more regional variant of the current ones and new animation/ revamped version of the sex scenes of the pokemon 

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