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(1 edit) (+3)

can you guys please please PLEASE make it so  if you nut in a boy they nut too? it'd be really cute to watch them shoot jizz everywhere when i nut in them.


Would be a nice addition, do you want to ask a modder in the discord to add it? ( discord)

Oi porque eu não consigo baixar fala que não conseguir baixar o aplicativo 


I thought this game was dead it's so barack I thought it was jover

stfu also great game would try again

(1 edit)

I thought it was a normal pokemon game :(


You thought very wrong


people just wanna clap some poke-cheeks yk?

but why :(

bc people are WIERD but i agree

I got alot of Pokemons without doing anything

dont matter if you cant smash them


how to save I just lost my progress just because I didn’t know how to save

Go to your bag, and I forget which button it is, but one of the buttons in your bag saves the game.

a ok thanks

You're welcome


am dying right now for an eevee or it's eeveelution, please make this game grow in popularity


The official game likely won't be updated again, but there are likely gonna be some eeveelutions in one of the mods which are in the works. (discord

what do you mean it won't be updated again, is the game already over before it started?

i got no problem to go into mods but am still sad, i was hoping the devs would still work on this.

The game got it's final update prematurely, sadly enough.


I asked Corve to add Sylveon and he/she said Maybe:)

(1 edit) (+2)

Can you add Gardevoir and also would you be able to make it to where once you have every single Pokemon in the game currently in every gender then you'll be able to summon a legendary Pokemon like deoxys or Darkrai or something like that, one of the humanoid ones to be exact 

i want the same

This will have to be a question for a modmaker in the discord. (


You gotta add Absol!

ask a modmaker here


I have a suggestion, I would love to give Zoroark, or really any Male Pokemon, a handjob. I am very much in love with the game already. I was just thinking about this <3 ask a modmaker here

Any one go the modded version I've beeng seeing at the comments?

Both of the mods which are being worked on AREN'T done, if there is another mod we aren't aware of, then we know now. Here is the discord

I have all the mons female and male max affection, is there anything else to do until the next update?

I don't think so

okay, thx

ur welcome :


Please add Eevee, thank you!


How do I go to full screen?

Is this game still alive?


no, but someone is working on a mod for this game

where do we see about that mod? sounds interesting

idk, if you have see it on this game page but they have a discord. That's where they're talking about it

Me gustaría que agreguen nuevos Pokémon como un vaporeon,y también que pongan nuevas escenas para que no sean siempre las mismas.

how many mons in the game?


From my experience 7

Nickit, Cinderace, Lucario, Zoroark, Braixen & both forms of Vulpix [all of which can be Male or Female]


The fact that there are no other humanoid 'mons is a shame. I would love to destroy Gardevoir or Lopunny


The oral scenes involving nickit and braixen dont show up

So a female nickit showed up, but after getting another cooking session and new mons showing up, it seemingly became male. Is this a bug? Went back to female after loading a save to before the new mon appeared


There is a berry that if you cook switches gender of the pokemons in the camp


What berry?


the duo mushroom is the one make gender changed



I hope that can add the h-scenes can have if is male mons can have one more scenes is th mons is top human is bottom


I've encountered this with Lucario(f) and Zoroark(f) so far.

How the fuck did that happen dude


Bro got censored


I honestly did not expect this game to have animations for the h-scenes 10/10

Please let me know if this game releases an update.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Hey Devs you know what thought about just now? There pocketpair right? And they are not too touchy with their ip like Nintendo so… Would be a good idea to take PCF and remake it into a palworld nsfw fan game?

It won't let me scroll everytime I get in the game...

also I got Alolan vuplix  by using 2 blue berries, 2 fire berries, 2 dark berries, 1 sweet potatoes, and yeah that's it. If salazzle is in this and whoever has gotten one could you tell meh?

i did that and got nikit

Well the main berries you should use are the blue and fire berries.


tent scene super laggy


error on html with female cinderace

Deleted post

It doesn't even let me play because it says over and over again that it has moved to a new website 


Add gardevoir or kirlia

Also on android you need to download it as a app

Do someone know what nickit recipe is I'm stuck

Linux support I BEG


The game is not installed on Android

You should add goodra


Translation PT-BR Please!?


brasileiro e foda vei eu nao aguento


Pois vai ter que aguentar

brasileiro e tipo formiga ta em quase todos os cantos do mundo


The after sex dialogues are too fast, even with the dialogues in the minimum, instead let us pass the dialogues by clicking or let it go even slowe pls

It's not playing the sex scenes and it doesn't let me use any of the buttons in the sex part. The screen goes black and only the buttons are visible but not usable.
What do i do?
I'm playing the PC version btw


May we get an option to pick whether to be sub or dom, I would love to see stuff of us getting screwed by the mons


Cool idea



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