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(1 edit)

On mobile port making the device vertical then opening inventory or cook menu either shows static where the forests Ui image should be. back in horizontal fixes it, but it shouldn't do that anyways.

Mouth form for Nicki does not work

It should.

(1 edit)

Please update soon I really want more pokemon and I also want to suggest adding rare or legendary Pokemon that are rarely found like Mewtwo Lugia and Arceus also game is a 10/10

i agree 100%

The game is finished, meaning there won't be any more updates put out.


How do you get main ingredients again?

Wait in the lobby where all your mons are. You'll see x marks appear on the ground. Tap them


fr. the shroom needs a rework


will Lopunny, and Gardevoir be added, or will they never be added?

The game is finished, meaning there won't be any more updates put out.





I wish some of you would stop posting what you want added to the game. Just let the creator do what they want. You guys are probably the reason why we will never get another update.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

You did not read what they said in the v2.0 Relase.

But let me quote on what they said.

"On a sad note, this will also be the last update made to this game. Outside of fixing some critical bugs in the coming days, this update is meant to be the polished final send-off for this project!"

In other words, this is the last update, and seeing i can read in the *More Information* that it says "Released", means that its aleady finished.

If you don't belive me, then check the dev log and read it properly.


Your being ignored lol everyone wants more updates. I dont care if there are more or not, its a pretty good game

Dont really care if im ignored. I just wanted to point out the obvious and let them know. So basically i did what i wanted to do.


the obvious is the game is going to die fast without more content if another update doesn't drop soon.

(1 edit) (+5)(-7)

Add Pregnancies (Don’t Make Them Have Human Kids, Only Pokemon) And More Pokemon Please, It’s Been So Fun And I’m Waiting For Next Update, Pls!


Hey man, I like playing your game, it's really cool. If you read my comment, please add a meowcarade. I think he or she would really fit into the game. I wish you good luck with the development.


so, what is the new 'mon?


It won't let me make any food


Is anyone else having a problem downloading the game from a android.


It won't download

Depends what you mean by it won't download like as in u can't even start a installation or what but I haven't had a problem


if the game says it doesn't download while it's installing, that means it took too long to download, so Android decided to scrap the idea. Had this happen to me a couple of times when I downloaded some games on my own Android.

if it just won't start the download in general, you'll need to find something to install the app manually. I forget the app I installed to install stuff manually, but you'll need to find it too.



Why cheetos


hey, I'd fuck a cheeto

Ok then


I hope there's many new pokemon 😉 


doubt it, there's not that many to begin with and they only added 1 more in the update


I it a lot although it would be great if male pokemon could dominate you (I'm using the translator to leave this comment, is there any chance they'll put another language like Spanish in the game)


You gay?






How many Mons are there so far? I've found 6 different ones (if I count in Alola versions) until now.


I found 7


I only have 5 so I'll need to get 2 more then, gotta fuck 'em all as they say!


So I have a weird question to ask is there pregnancy in the game



Maybe at some point? The MC did talk about breeding them after all.


I would like access to the mods for this game but I'm having a hard time accessing the discord (issues with phone number) Does anyone have a work around? Is there a place elsewhere I can find the mods? Will they be posted on this official page at some point? If not i'll just talk to discord account support to see what I can do

still havent found the new mon, i might just be going crazy or im just not lucky

me too

v2.0 runs perfect on Linux using Wine-GE, on Wine videos don't play and you get a black screen.

is there a way to make the screen bigger on windows or is it stuck in the small box


try hitting alt+enter


How do I save my progress with out having to keep the tab open?

Never thought I would see the day this game got updated.

The android app says it cant download because my phone isnt compatible, can this be patched?


We need more Pokemon



When is the next update


If you bothered to look at the v2.0 Release! development log then you would see this. -> On a sad note, this will also be the last update made to this game. Outside of fixing some critical bugs in the coming days, this update is meant to be the polished final send-off for this project!



Good game. Can you make the gender bender shroom be used on single pokemon? Like feed it to one instead of feeding it to all. That'd make it so much better


can there be a setting for mobile?

On some devices it uses widescreen, the game stll launches but we can only see the left half of the screen.

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm not sure if this is a glitch or just something that wasn't explained well enough, but the sprite for when the male braixen is hard also has breasts? its only in the sprite for the call option (and only in the aroused sprite) so idk if its intentional or not

also, the oral scene for braixen only shows a black screen for me? is that a problem with just the web browser version?


I can't use fullscreen for some reason, can somebody help


Are there any update plans?



I just have one question… Will we ever be able to save on the HTML version? I personally can’t download it bc of a crappy device, but I’m guessing others have this problem too


Since there's no plans for updates or to ever touch the game again...



That good but... how to save progress on mobile

Press the backpack button, then press the blue icon, and it will ask you if you want to save the process


You should add a pokedex to the game to keep track of what mons you found


Great game, i love it!~

Two glitches to report, game crashed after putting a berry back in the bag after taking it off the cutting board and Nickit♀ oral animation didn't play was either stuck on black screen until swapping or stuck seeing a still frame of the other option. Other than that, Great Game! Keep it Up!

I'm loving it

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