That could be happening because of your wifi quality, PC Specs, or browser. if you have more than one network or more than one router, try switching to that, but before you try that, try to switch browsers to something like Chrome if you aren't using it.
I've been having a similar problem with other games that open a Unity WebGL window and stops loading at 90%, and I'm on a top-end setup. I'm wondering if it's a bug on the devs' end, or some network setting/firewall preventing something. In any case, it is also an indie game on Itch, most of which don't run well (if they run at all) because they're not optimized whatsoever, but I can't say for sure on this one as I'm also having the same 25% problem.
ive got it downloaded on my pc and im on the faster wifi of the two plus im using a pc that is able to run vr (my memory sucks so im blanking on its that has anything to do with thye specs or not) edit: tried it on the web browser and it works but i dont get why it wont work when downloaded
I came up with a possible idea for the game, and it is: cycles of day and night, that is; that in the day the 'Mons type come out: fire, water, plant and in the night pure type darkness, fairy and night. although obvious that would be already with the game advanced and maybe finished.
The devs are working on fixing bugs with update 2.0.0 right now and may not be able to add that right now, but they might be able to add lycanroc in a 3.0.0 update, im not sure, but please be patient as the devs are still fixing update 2.0.0 right now.
I think the thing it needs is to be able to have your progress saved. Maybe it isn't a problem now, but when the content size grows larger in future updates it will probably be frustrating to do everything all over again because you had a prior compromise and had to close the game.
Aside from that, a mute button would be nice or a music and sfx bar, specially on this online page version, as the sound keeps playing even when youre outside the window. Which can maybe be annoying if you're switching between two pages or things
Alright everyone calm down on asking for more stuff, the devs are working on fixing the bugs for the 2.0.0 update, so why don't we wait until they are done with the bug fix to ask them for more stuff.
criadores eu tenho uma ideia pra essa nova atualizacao: entao podia ter um modo minigame que vc podia brincar com os seus pokemons
Outra ideia: entao vcs podiam botar os pokemon:zoroark delphox primarina blaziquen e entao e gardevoir entao e isso tchau espero que vcs adicionem essas ideias
creators I have an idea for this new update:
so you could have a minigame
mode that you could play with your pokemons
Another idea: then you could put the pokemon:
zoroark delphox primarina blaziquen and then and
gardevoir then and that bye I hope you guys add those ideas
Não creio que eles consigam fazer isso porque já estão
trabalhando para consertar a 2ª atualização, mas talvez
consigam colocá-la em uma 3ª atualizaçã usei o Google Tradutor
Items and berries picked disappear from the inventory, can't make any headway with the pokemon, because they refuse to do anything no matter how much wooing is done, and get upset. Are you going to fix these problems? Because currently? The game isn't enjoyable...
in order to do more stuff with your mons, 1st pet them, 2nd chat, 3rd then examine, then you can interact further repeat step 2 and 3 to interact even further
← Return to game
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its wont let me play it, every time i open it, it never loads. ive left it alone to load but it never goes past 25% and just sits there
That could be happening because of your wifi quality, PC Specs, or browser. if you have more than one network or more than one router, try switching to that, but before you try that, try to switch browsers to something like Chrome if you aren't using it.
I have the same issue but I'm hardwired to business class wifi and i downloaded it, computer definitely isn't an issue either soooo O.o?
Well, it may be your computer in general. Some computers are not designed to run specific games, like this one.
lol if my computer couldn't run something like this, i might as well throw it out xD
I've been having a similar problem with other games that open a Unity WebGL window and stops loading at 90%, and I'm on a top-end setup. I'm wondering if it's a bug on the devs' end, or some network setting/firewall preventing something. In any case, it is also an indie game on Itch, most of which don't run well (if they run at all) because they're not optimized whatsoever, but I can't say for sure on this one as I'm also having the same 25% problem.
Actually, there are some really good computers that cannot run web games, so you maybe should'nt.
ive got it downloaded on my pc and im on the faster wifi of the two plus im using a pc that is able to run vr (my memory sucks so im blanking on its that has anything to do with thye specs or not) edit: tried it on the web browser and it works but i dont get why it wont work when downloaded
Might be a bug with the download file
Im waiting for the next update this game is very gooddddddddddddddddddd :)))))
Hola alguien sabe cuando sale la nueva versión?
Nice game
I would literally pay you to add zoroark riding even though I know you guys can't accept donations because of Nintendo ×.×
Will you be adding any other mons?
Cuando entro al juego todo va bien hasta que se cierra repentinamente y no se guarda el progreso
Is this for android?
It works on mine so it should
Hi, i can save the game, someone can help me with that?
You can't save the game, wait for an upcoming update
I came up with a possible idea for the game, and it is: cycles of day and night, that is; that in the day the 'Mons type come out: fire, water, plant and in the night pure type darkness, fairy and night. although obvious that would be already with the game advanced and maybe finished.
That is a pretty cool idea, however, they're still releasing the v2.0.0, so we'll probably have to wait another 6-7 months or something for v3.0.0
I can't even seem to play this. It starts loading and just stops.
i would like to see pokemon piss stuff here?
Please no
I don't ask for much but no
Ew, hell, no!
I need lycanroc midnight form urgently..!
The devs are working on fixing bugs with update 2.0.0 right now and may not be able to add that right now, but they might be able to add lycanroc in a 3.0.0 update, im not sure, but please be patient as the devs are still fixing update 2.0.0 right now.
Well yes, well, hopefully in v. there are more things
id love it if the pokemon would cum too
add glaceon and the rest of the eeveeluions
Add charizard and pikachu pls
it wont load fully
Same for me
I think the thing it needs is to be able to have your progress saved. Maybe it isn't a problem now, but when the content size grows larger in future updates it will probably be frustrating to do everything all over again because you had a prior compromise and had to close the game.
Aside from that, a mute button would be nice or a music and sfx bar, specially on this online page version, as the sound keeps playing even when youre outside the window. Which can maybe be annoying if you're switching between two pages or things
Alright everyone calm down on asking for more stuff, the devs are working on fixing the bugs for the 2.0.0 update, so why don't we wait until they are done with the bug fix to ask them for more stuff.
Guess not.
Pueden introducir a gardevoir
me encantaria pronta la actualizacion xd
I like this game very much, I want the background music of this game, and I hope I can see more pokemon in the future
Oh My God!! This is really really perfect!!! Plz, add more pokemon! I need Zeraora
I cant agree anymore. zeraora will be soooo nice
Zeraora would be nice, but you're going to have to wait quite a while for it, since the devs are still working on fixing v2.0.
i need a latios and latias OwO
I'm with you :)
It's be cool if Android can download it
Needs charizard
Will not load past 1/4
It could possibly be due to either of your PC Specs, wifi, or browser.
fr same ;-;
criadores eu tenho uma ideia pra essa nova atualizacao: entao podia ter um modo minigame que vc podia brincar com os seus pokemons
Outra ideia: entao vcs podiam botar os pokemon:zoroark delphox primarina blaziquen e entao e gardevoir entao e isso tchau espero que vcs adicionem essas ideias
i put this in google translation:
e pode ser
Anyone know how to download in Android?
Algem me ajuda,eu baixei o arquivo mas nao consigo jogar algem ai me ajuda?
i looked at the animations and they looked great, but i was wondering if you could add an anal animation to the female version's.
dont charge :(
i don't think they can without getting fucked by nintendo
if you mean what i think you mean, anyway
This is messed up and cute! >.> Like!
Items and berries picked disappear from the inventory, can't make any headway with the pokemon, because they refuse to do anything no matter how much wooing is done, and get upset. Are you going to fix these problems? Because currently? The game isn't enjoyable...
in order to do more stuff with your mons, 1st pet them, 2nd chat, 3rd then examine, then you can interact further repeat step 2 and 3 to interact even further
Hello, I live your game and all, but how do we save?
you can only save in the new version and they are fixing the new version right now.
Oh ok, my bad, and is there will be more than three pokemon too? Except lucario, hibanny and the fox pokemon (don't remember the name sorry😅)?
besides cinderace, nickit, and lucario, in the new update there i going to be vulpix, alolan vulpix, and braxien. there will also be a new Berry
OK cool
what happend to lucario vaginal?
ngl this is pretty good
one question tho, will there be sex scenes that mons top you instead? just wondering
braixen nsfw is on top of you
i tried on android browser but in the sex scenes it gets black and i can´t do anything
yeah that happened to me
Didn't happen to me and i use android
Still not working on my PC. ;_;
Try resetting