Howdy. I've found this game and played it of Linux and Win10. Well, on Win it runs just fine, but on Linux all sex scenes are just black screens. BTW, is there going to be any save feature?
I'm on my pc and the game is black screened, i t may be better if you let us download the game itself along side the animations or maybe its just a bug?
Whenever I get to a sex scene, the screen is completely black, save for the pleasure meter and the speed buttons. The music is playing, but there are no sound effects. The pleasure meter fills up and I can finish, after that I’m trapped. I’m using an iPhone (latest model), so that could be the reason. Or perhaps it’s a smartphone issue in general? I’m assuming version 2.0.0 will fix this?
Hello. Do you think there can be a downloadable version of the game for apple devices one day or not? Thought I would ask just to be on the safe side because you game looks so awesome.
The game is cute and great. I think you should have a way to tell which mon is which gender by putting up some fore of ign over their head. Also please make it where you can excuse mons from the campsite.
don't know if your aware, but your 2.0 version has a fee bugs, vinishing pokemon, vanishing food, are the ones that i've found, both when trying to cook and forgetting the main ingredient, and after cooking when i go back in trying to do another cooking attemp
The game is beautiful, nothing to say other than the already spammed "mOrE mOnS". Also, would like something like a battle system and more activities to do with the mons.
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Is there braxien in here
Will there ever be an option to be a female player?
Anyone got a working link to their discord?
Go to their twitter and scroll down, you should be able to find it there
already looked, their links are broken or old and dont work no more edit: they just posted a new link so ignore me lol
how do i install it?
Are you guys gonna add any other new pokemons or no?
es la primera ves que estoy por aqui . hay alguna manera de descargar el juego?
si solo dale en dowload campfire y ya
:V solo descarga unas animaciones y ya
i don't know why but the game wont load fully
Same here
Is there any way the update can come sooner? Also more for legged pokemon would be great.
Eu amo esse jogo, quem é fã de Pokémon também vai gostar eu recomendo
Needs to be a way to easily tell male and females apart in the camp, I've clicked on the wrong lucario 5 times in a row
Howdy. I've found this game and played it of Linux and Win10. Well, on Win it runs just fine, but on Linux all sex scenes are just black screens. BTW, is there going to be any save feature?
PUEDES PONER Plataformas Pará de 32 bits de h 64 bits y para Android 32 bits y 64 bits Por Un DLC en patroin
I'm on my pc and the game is black screened, i t may be better if you let us download the game itself along side the animations or maybe its just a bug?
Whenever I get to a sex scene, the screen is completely black, save for the pleasure meter and the speed buttons. The music is playing, but there are no sound effects. The pleasure meter fills up and I can finish, after that I’m trapped. I’m using an iPhone (latest model), so that could be the reason. Or perhaps it’s a smartphone issue in general? I’m assuming version 2.0.0 will fix this?
Yes, Version 2.0.0 will fix that. Version 2.0.0 is set to release December 24th 2021.
Hello. Do you think there can be a downloadable version of the game for apple devices one day or not? Thought I would ask just to be on the safe side because you game looks so awesome.
do you plan on adding more mods?
The game is cute and great. I think you should have a way to tell which mon is which gender by putting up some fore of ign over their head. Also please make it where you can excuse mons from the campsite.
i'm just curious is it just down to chance wehter you get male or female mons? or is there specific combinations?
Gender of the Pokémon is random and there is a chance that they add a option to get only 1 gender.
Will you increase the mons' sex scenes in the next update.
by one i ment mo
maybe try adding one thats wants the player
could you by chance add more small four legged 'Mons please or just more in general but you guys do what you want
don't know if your aware, but your 2.0 version has a fee bugs, vinishing pokemon, vanishing food, are the ones that i've found, both when trying to cook and forgetting the main ingredient, and after cooking when i go back in trying to do another cooking attemp
also could you add in an anal option for the females as well
that would be the best
who is the one mon that wes temp removed?
I am the imposter
hey can u make it downloadable
It should be if you check above with the V2 offline file downloader
Those are v2 animations, I'm pretty sure you can't download v1 anymore
already is
The updates coming on the 24th of december 2021 chill
Can you add mew ?
and eeve (and all evolutions of said mon)
just a little suggestion, could there be a submissive version where the human is the bottom one? just a suggestion
It'd be cool if there was a version like that^^
ok so its been close to three months lmao
The devs are busy with their lives bro. The update is coming out December 24th.
Maybe there's a reason they don't want to, just sayin'
when you just start, can you only get the potato main ingredient?
Hay, just checking in, it's been a long time since sence the last update, i was wondering what's going on?
They explained on their Twitter and discord pages
stuck on startup loading screen. no idea on fix
Only works on chrome for desktop, no firefox, no mobile
Works on brave & puffin for me.
So fucking good, albeit a little buggy on phone. Please add eevee or any type of eeveelution (or don't. I'm just horny, not a cop)
Interesting idea, I don't know Pokémon much well but the characters are nice.
please get this game for android
Can we get an anal/vaginal scene for lucario soon?
it's in 2.0 whenever that's coming out fully debugged.
The game is beautiful, nothing to say other than the already spammed "mOrE mOnS". Also, would like something like a battle system and more activities to do with the mons.