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May I ask how to fullscreen on the downloadable version? Or is there no option to do so?


Alt+Enter on Keyboard

Thank you so much!!

ty so much 

(5 edits) (+5)

Maybe add the eeveelution certain starters like Charizard, Typhlosion Feraligatr, bayleef, Blaziken, Serperior, Sammurot, Greninja, Delphox, Decidueye, Incineroar, Primarina, Meowscarada, and Quaquaval. Absol, Zeraora, Growlithe, Arcanine, houndour, houndoom, Ninetales, Shinx, Luxray, Luxio, Purrloin, Liepard Rockruff, Lycanroc pPoochyena, Mightyena, Scolipede and maybe certain legendary and pseudo legendaries like dragonite and Suicune. As well as a morning, evening and night cycles. a shiny pokemon function where you have a certain percentage to get a shiny pokemon, as well as when the character goes to bed and gained the pokemon's trust you get different sex scenes and finally a camp expansion everytime you gain a certain number of pokemon's trust. These are just some suggestions; you can do whatever you want it's your game. Also love your game, Keep up the good work.


pls I just wish they would add umbreon and jolteon 

Me gusta el juego , para que se ve el esfuerzo, si. Embargo hay un punto en cada partida en el que se torna negro la animación más esperada y pues le quita algo lo divertido

Game is great, the only thing I'd ask for other than more Mons is to let us nickname them once they reach max affinity

the game is no longer being developed sadly

so this dude released 2.0 then left again???

yes he said this is his last update



what a jew

where did they say this? I only see in their Discord that theyre having issues with the web version and may just stick to downloadables?


This game is amazing!

It might take some time to develop, but I'd love to see a sex scene with Incinerator, Urshifu, and Koraidon, or a scene where Pokemon rapes them on their behalf!

We support your activities!

I'm Japanese, and having a Japanese patch helps me masturbate.❤

the game is no longer being developed

pls add more pokemon 

i already found a duplication glitch

there is 3 versions of the game where can i download the older versions?

Every time i boot up the game the text is blacked out, i can't witness how good the game is T_T


I liked it. Do you plan to add more and other areas to explore, go to a cave, near the sea and some haunted buildings?  Will you add more monsters to the repertoire?

Haunted buildings? Let me guess.You are drawn to fucking with Pokemon ghosts


also dev can u and vaporeon and/or umbreon pls




Please add lopunny in future update 


The web version is awesome so far

Would like to see some additions to the altar and many more Pokemon (dibs on Growlithe/Arcanine and Machoke/Machamp)

Will you release MacOS compatible version soon?

(3 edits) (+1)

if you need here is Cheated (100%) save file

path to the file

replace the text in the file "savefile.sav" with the text below

{"ROOT":[[{"location x":261.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":249.0,"id":0.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":1.0,"name":"Vulpix"},{"location x":525.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":209.0,"id":1.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":5.0,"name":"Braixen"},{"location x":222.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":461.0,"id":2.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":5.0,"name":"Braixen"},{"location x":739.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":384.0,"id":3.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":4.0,"name":"Cinderace"},{"location x":314.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":238.0,"id":4.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":3.0,"name":"Lucario"},{"location x":667.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":350.0,"id":5.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":0.0,"name":"Nickit"},{"location x":232.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":296.0,"id":6.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":0.0,"name":"Nickit"},{"location x":215.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":332.0,"id":7.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":3.0,"name":"Lucario"},{"location x":209.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":366.0,"id":8.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":1.0,"name":"Vulpix"},{"location x":783.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":389.0,"id":9.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":6.0,"name":"Zoroark"},{"location x":400.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":262.0,"id":10.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":6.0,"name":"Zoroark"},{"location x":357.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":212.0,"id":11.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":4.0,"name":"Cinderace"},{"location x":581.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":441.0,"id":12.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":2.0,"name":"Alolan Vulpix"},{"location x":690.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":406.0,"id":13.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":2.0,"name":"Alolan Vulpix"}],[{"count":99.0,"id":2.0},{"count":99.0,"id":3.0},{"count":99.0,"id":1.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":6.0},{"count":99.0,"id":5.0},{"count":99.0,"id":4.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":9.0},{"count":99.0,"id":11.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":7.0},{"count":99.0,"id":8.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":10.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":12.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0}]]} 


cant wait till all the art is finished, this update is really good



I hope this game will be updated, I know that's a bit too much to ask and it's been a month. I just hope there will be more content in the near future


Suggestion: Add legends like Latias or mew, maybe even mega evolution


Is there a way i can go full scree?


Great game, though I wish vaporeon or gardevoir were in there, and perhaps a recipe book, but over all amazing game

This game would break all of the games if it had mewtwo by a low chance.Also totally worth the time i spent on it.Keep up the good work! 💪💪💪


damn this game is good best pokemon sex game ever im glad I can have all male mon god if I had to rank all of them it would be

1.Fire Vulpix:what a little cutie and has a juicy booty hes easily my favorite of all of them I would love to huff his muskhole

2.Zoroark:This boy is packing some heat I wish we could bottom in this game because I want to worship that cock.

3:Nickit is pretty hot to hes got nice cake like vulpix I wish he could sit on my face.

4.Braixen:Hes so fucking cute and has well rounded features a big dick and a nice ass the total package.

5.Cinderance:I like his human cock and love his position its the best hes the first one I got and love him.

6.Lucario:Lucario has always been one of my favorites and hes pretty cute in this game to Cinderance barely beat him but I love all my boys.

Okay cringy rankings aside this game was amazing I would pay money for sky shaymin added and sylveon seriously👌

Not into female mons though no thank you to pussy.

(1 edit)

you should add more mons. also you should get rid of either vulpix or alolan vulpix its literally the same in everything just different sprite. and add a save system

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Click on the back pack and then click on the notepad to save

doesnt work on web version

i love this game, it's possible in the future to have this on mac?

(1 edit) (-3)

I just got a female Cinderace and I figured that I'd share my findings for those who are having a hards time spawning her:

  • Main Ingredient: Chips
  • 4 Cherri Berries on the top row
  • Spleon Berry on each side of two more Cherri Berries on the bottom row

Honestly i wouldn't mind if you could be the bottom for the mons or even have like threesomes with the mons if you ever did decide to give this game another update cause honestly that sounds like it would be really fun to do. But that's just my own thoughts, I still really like the game


Seria legal se eles pudessem se reproduzir e botar ovos, também seria legal ter uma maneira de fazer sexo a três 

I just love the Zoroark

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They have a really hot pose for both positions


Hola  una pregunta, por al intentar instalarlo me sale que mi teléfono no es una versión compatible?

Tiene muy buena pinta, ojalá y lo sigan actualizando me encantó 


are you able to play on mobile(hence “Pocket” Campfire) because It’s always like half cut off the screen

Pocket is from Pocket Monster ergo PokeMon


The game seems to be bugged for me, because even when I replicate the recipe from the tutorial perfectly, I still can't cook anything

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Did you add the main ingredient and berries

(clicking on the x marks that spawn in camp will give you main ingredients)

I have such a silly idea.Change of seasons? Among other things, the idea is to turn on the winter landscape in the game in real winter and have winter Pokémon available at that time

Very good and fun game

Why is the browser version not working properly

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