Yeah, I mean, I got a lil disapointed when the last mon was just a Vulpix variant but ya know, it's not bad, just thought that idk, there would be something else. But the game is still great
a lot of stuff shows up as black squares like the berries and grass when you find a new mon also the mons themselves so basically everything shows up as black squares
When I use the mobile browser version, it zooms in too much for me to continue past the warning screen. When I switch to desktop site, all text boxes are completely black meaning I can't see dialogue, and some sprites (which ones that are black change every time) are completely black as well.
Theres gotta be more Mons outside of Nikit, Vulpix, Braixen, Lucario, Cinderace and Zoroark. I feel like I'm going crazy trying to get different Mons because I'm pretty sure I've seen them all. Is there a berry combination that ensure certain Mons? Is there a secret berry code to get a secret Mon? Is there fucking Gardevoir!? How can you have a Mons game and not have Gardevoir!?
I kinda wish that there was a third sex option for you to be the submissive one, I like the game and love to play it when I'm bored but I think it would be a really cool feature for you to either become a have a pokemon pov where you wonder into a humans campsite or where the human that you play can be penetrated instead of just penetrating... Just wanted to put my thoughts out there...
NOOOOO on the human being penetrated and your probably bored because there is no variety. No difference if its male or female, the positions are always the same. Maybe if they add different positions, sexual acts, maybe they can have it so you can choose to be submissive or dominant. Your bored because its repetitive and theres no difference. (Not saying the game is bad because its very good just being honest)
I agree completely man, I just really wish that they had other options I mean imagine if you could choose to be submissive and you could like go on little sidetracks in the forest and get like strap ons and stuff, and you could have a POV of getting pounded by one of them.
hey idk if you noticed but when Male Braixen is aroused they gain breasts. You could find a way to take that and turn it into a new rare intersex version of the mons
This is just a suggestion for an update, don't take it as a negative criticism: in the next update why don't you add more images showing what happens when you interact with the "Mons"?
2. Please consiser adding more content. I'm absolutely certain that many of us that would be willing to back or contribute to the project. As many have pointed out, it would be a shame to rework the game from the ground up just to abandon it. This is a unique game with MANY explorable aspects. The stone ruins near camp could indicate legendaries, mythicals, or an entirely new area. You could add more berries and pokémon. You could allow us to nickname pokémon. You could add shinies. You could add scenes where the Pokémon dom the player. You could add "double battles." You could add stones in the ground for evolution. You could add Paldean sandwiches to boost berry rates or pickup rates. If I haven't listed enough potential, I'm certain the other replies could help. There is so, so much you could do with this medium, and I'm certain that we would support the team all the way. This is a great concept for a game.
ds_map_find_value argument 1 invalid reference to (ds_map) - requested 21 max is 54############################################################################################
Maybe add the eeveelution certain starters like Charizard, Typhlosion Feraligatr, bayleef, Blaziken, Serperior, Sammurot, Greninja, Delphox, Decidueye, Incineroar, Primarina, Meowscarada, and Quaquaval. Absol, Zeraora, Growlithe, Arcanine, houndour, houndoom, Ninetales, Shinx, Luxray, Luxio, Purrloin, Liepard Rockruff, Lycanroc pPoochyena, Mightyena, Scolipede and maybe certain legendary and pseudo legendaries like dragonite and Suicune. As well as a morning, evening and night cycles. a shiny pokemon function where you have a certain percentage to get a shiny pokemon, as well as when the character goes to bed and gained the pokemon's trust you get different sex scenes and finally a camp expansion everytime you gain a certain number of pokemon's trust. These are just some suggestions; you can do whatever you want it's your game. Also love your game, Keep up the good work.
Me gusta el juego , para que se ve el esfuerzo, si. Embargo hay un punto en cada partida en el que se torna negro la animación más esperada y pues le quita algo lo divertido
It might take some time to develop, but I'd love to see a sex scene with Incinerator, Urshifu, and Koraidon, or a scene where Pokemon rapes them on their behalf!
We support your activities!
I'm Japanese, and having a Japanese patch helps me masturbate.❤
I liked it. Do you plan to add more and other areas to explore, go to a cave, near the sea and some haunted buildings? Will you add more monsters to the repertoire?
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I want to know how many Pokemon are currently on the list.
sadly there is only 7 mons :(
Alolan Vulpix does count as a different mon from normal Vulpix, right? I mean, is pretty much the same but it counts, right?
guess so i mean they basically have same scenes only
Alolan Vulpix is a bit shiner then other one :D
Yeah, I mean, I got a lil disapointed when the last mon was just a Vulpix variant but ya know, it's not bad, just thought that idk, there would be something else. But the game is still great
Mobile version won't install. Just gives me the error "App not installed".
a lot of stuff shows up as black squares like the berries and grass when you find a new mon also the mons themselves so basically everything shows up as black squares
Yup, that's what I'm talking about as well, it seems fixed for me currently though.
When I use the mobile browser version, it zooms in too much for me to continue past the warning screen. When I switch to desktop site, all text boxes are completely black meaning I can't see dialogue, and some sprites (which ones that are black change every time) are completely black as well.
when's the next update
Theres gotta be more Mons outside of Nikit, Vulpix, Braixen, Lucario, Cinderace and Zoroark. I feel like I'm going crazy trying to get different Mons because I'm pretty sure I've seen them all. Is there a berry combination that ensure certain Mons? Is there a secret berry code to get a secret Mon? Is there fucking Gardevoir!? How can you have a Mons game and not have Gardevoir!?
Or lopunny?! Plus I'd love to see some eveelutions.
Braixen Oral seems to not work properly. Showed a black screen and was fine when i swapped. Swapped back and the animation froze.
Can you make it so after you done sex atleast 1-3 times the pokemon becomes fully available for any time usage?
I kinda wish that there was a third sex option for you to be the submissive one, I like the game and love to play it when I'm bored but I think it would be a really cool feature for you to either become a have a pokemon pov where you wonder into a humans campsite or where the human that you play can be penetrated instead of just penetrating... Just wanted to put my thoughts out there...
NOOOOO on the human being penetrated and your probably bored because there is no variety. No difference if its male or female, the positions are always the same. Maybe if they add different positions, sexual acts, maybe they can have it so you can choose to be submissive or dominant. Your bored because its repetitive and theres no difference. (Not saying the game is bad because its very good just being honest)
I agree completely man, I just really wish that they had other options I mean imagine if you could choose to be submissive and you could like go on little sidetracks in the forest and get like strap ons and stuff, and you could have a POV of getting pounded by one of them.
hey idk if you noticed but when Male Braixen is aroused they gain breasts. You could find a way to take that and turn it into a new rare intersex version of the mons
i sure hope so this game gets sequel
it was one of best H games i played in a while
we dont need a sequel we need an update
that works too :D
This is just a suggestion for an update, don't take it as a negative criticism: in the next update why don't you add more images showing what happens when you interact with the "Mons"?
so is there gonna be next update soon ? (don't mean to rush just ask)
Pocket Campfire will be a sequel and new characters
A lot of the Portraits are black bars for me
I'm on the web version BTW
1. This game would be hillarious to speedrun.
2. Please consiser adding more content. I'm absolutely certain that many of us that would be willing to back or contribute to the project. As many have pointed out, it would be a shame to rework the game from the ground up just to abandon it. This is a unique game with MANY explorable aspects. The stone ruins near camp could indicate legendaries, mythicals, or an entirely new area. You could add more berries and pokémon. You could allow us to nickname pokémon. You could add shinies. You could add scenes where the Pokémon dom the player. You could add "double battles." You could add stones in the ground for evolution. You could add Paldean sandwiches to boost berry rates or pickup rates. If I haven't listed enough potential, I'm certain the other replies could help. There is so, so much you could do with this medium, and I'm certain that we would support the team all the way. This is a great concept for a game.
3. Damn, Zoroark is hot. Good job there, gang.
On the downloadable version now, I cooked a meal with Rice and a single Enigma berry in Slot 2, and it gave me this error:
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 0
for object obj_sequence_textbox:
ds_map_find_value argument 1 invalid reference to (ds_map) - requested 21 max is 54############################################################################################
gml_Script_scr_generate_text_prompt (line 23)
gml_Object_obj_sequence_textbox_Other_10 (line 4)
gml_Script_scr_create_sequence_textbox (line 8)
gml_Object_obj_cooking_sequence_Alarm_2 (line 0)
I'm on the online version, and the game crashed to a black screen when I dragged a Pecha berry from my cookpot to an empty slot in my bag.
Why rebuild the game completly and after one update leave it?
May I ask how to fullscreen on the downloadable version? Or is there no option to do so?
Alt+Enter on Keyboard
Thank you so much!!
ty so much
Maybe add the eeveelution certain starters like Charizard, Typhlosion Feraligatr, bayleef, Blaziken, Serperior, Sammurot, Greninja, Delphox, Decidueye, Incineroar, Primarina, Meowscarada, and Quaquaval. Absol, Zeraora, Growlithe, Arcanine, houndour, houndoom, Ninetales, Shinx, Luxray, Luxio, Purrloin, Liepard Rockruff, Lycanroc pPoochyena, Mightyena, Scolipede and maybe certain legendary and pseudo legendaries like dragonite and Suicune. As well as a morning, evening and night cycles. a shiny pokemon function where you have a certain percentage to get a shiny pokemon, as well as when the character goes to bed and gained the pokemon's trust you get different sex scenes and finally a camp expansion everytime you gain a certain number of pokemon's trust. These are just some suggestions; you can do whatever you want it's your game. Also love your game, Keep up the good work.
pls I just wish they would add umbreon and jolteon
Me gusta el juego , para que se ve el esfuerzo, si. Embargo hay un punto en cada partida en el que se torna negro la animación más esperada y pues le quita algo lo divertido
Game is great, the only thing I'd ask for other than more Mons is to let us nickname them once they reach max affinity
the game is no longer being developed sadly
so this dude released 2.0 then left again???
yes he said this is his last update
what a jew
where did they say this? I only see in their Discord that theyre having issues with the web version and may just stick to downloadables?
This game is amazing!
It might take some time to develop, but I'd love to see a sex scene with Incinerator, Urshifu, and Koraidon, or a scene where Pokemon rapes them on their behalf!
We support your activities!
I'm Japanese, and having a Japanese patch helps me masturbate.❤
the game is no longer being developed
pls add more pokemon
i already found a duplication glitch
there is 3 versions of the game where can i download the older versions?
Every time i boot up the game the text is blacked out, i can't witness how good the game is T_T
I liked it. Do you plan to add more and other areas to explore, go to a cave, near the sea and some haunted buildings? Will you add more monsters to the repertoire?
Haunted buildings? Let me guess.You are drawn to fucking with Pokemon ghosts
also dev can u and vaporeon and/or umbreon pls
Please add lopunny in future update
The web version is awesome so far
Would like to see some additions to the altar and many more Pokemon (dibs on Growlithe/Arcanine and Machoke/Machamp)Will you release MacOS compatible version soon?
if you need here is Cheated (100%) save file
path to the file
replace the text in the file "savefile.sav" with the text below
{"ROOT":[[{"location x":261.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":249.0,"id":0.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":1.0,"name":"Vulpix"},{"location x":525.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":209.0,"id":1.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":5.0,"name":"Braixen"},{"location x":222.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":461.0,"id":2.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":5.0,"name":"Braixen"},{"location x":739.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":384.0,"id":3.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":4.0,"name":"Cinderace"},{"location x":314.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":238.0,"id":4.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":3.0,"name":"Lucario"},{"location x":667.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":350.0,"id":5.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":0.0,"name":"Nickit"},{"location x":232.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":296.0,"id":6.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":0.0,"name":"Nickit"},{"location x":215.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":332.0,"id":7.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":3.0,"name":"Lucario"},{"location x":209.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":366.0,"id":8.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":1.0,"name":"Vulpix"},{"location x":783.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":389.0,"id":9.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":6.0,"name":"Zoroark"},{"location x":400.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":262.0,"id":10.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":6.0,"name":"Zoroark"},{"location x":357.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":212.0,"id":11.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":4.0,"name":"Cinderace"},{"location x":581.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":441.0,"id":12.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":0.0,"species":2.0,"name":"Alolan Vulpix"},{"location x":690.0,"affection":100.0,"location y":406.0,"id":13.0,"arousal":100.0,"gender":1.0,"species":2.0,"name":"Alolan Vulpix"}],[{"count":99.0,"id":2.0},{"count":99.0,"id":3.0},{"count":99.0,"id":1.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":6.0},{"count":99.0,"id":5.0},{"count":99.0,"id":4.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":9.0},{"count":99.0,"id":11.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":7.0},{"count":99.0,"id":8.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":10.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":99.0,"id":12.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0},{"count":0.0,"id":0.0}]]}
cant wait till all the art is finished, this update is really good
I hope this game will be updated, I know that's a bit too much to ask and it's been a month. I just hope there will be more content in the near future