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Vai lançar uma versão brasileira?

Deleted 4 years ago

I am Spanish, but i believe it says "Are you releasing a brazillian version?" Not everything is just word-by-word

Ok I just used Google translate

Uhhh, they speak Portuguese in brazil


Uh I think that may have been why they said "I am Spanish."

They meant that they're not as familiar with Portuguese because they speak Spanish, but they were able to give the best translation they could. Anyway, multi language versions could be epic someday perhaps if some volunteers were to help PawPunch we could have that!

I volunteered myself for Spanish version, its just matter if they want to translate the game

Also yes Spanish and Portuguese are kinda similar so thats why


Um, the game seams to freeze for me on PC. Is this a known issue?

Ya but there updating it


I love this gagame

Deleted 158 days ago
Deleted 158 days ago
Deleted 158 days ago

No plans are getting changed.
It is still scheduled for December.


so... you know the 'scenes' add it so that we have more options too like selectable genders and other scenes


I love it


an ya add a way to tell who's boy and who's girl? I just get all 6 variants and I often click on the wrong gender 3-5 times in a row until I luck-guess the gender I want

(2 edits)

when you first get a  mon  you should look at the text if you see a plus pointed down its a girl if you see a pointer pointed top right it's a boy.

but onces they are mingling in the camp, I just don't know who's who I just click a random 'mon and hope is the gender I want, and it only shows on the interaction menu, and once I back oput to the camp, they are roaming around again and I have to guess it again

Oh ok, well side b said that there's going to be a new update to better identify male and female so hopefully that's what you're talking about.


As said previously in the comments, the next version will feature a better way to identify between male and female.

Thank you for telling them

(2 edits) (-1)

I just speed ran the game by getting all female and did all of them twice 0h:06m:05s.63 EDIT I speed ran again getting all female and I got 00:05:14.46

Try to beat me.

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 4 years ago



im on firefox and it just keeps getting stuck at the final stage of loading


The current version doesn't work with Firefox. It's getting fixed in a new update soon.
In the meanwhile, you can play using Chrome instead.

do you know how big the update is? Please respond.


The update will fix many issues, be downloadable and add in 2 new Pokémon (Not revealed yet)
PawPunch is targeting mid-December for a release.
You can track the progress on their Discord server.
For the record. I am not part of the PawPunch team developing the game, but I am a moderator and I do follow the project closely.

(2 edits)

ok thanks. I can't  wait. And could  you keep us updated on future content thanks.


That won't be necessary. Just follow PawPunch and you'll be notified of the update.

Really? I'm using Firefox and it's working. I just refreshed the page and it went further and further until it finished.

ok thanks so much!

Deberian una opción para colocarlo al españo, porque no se muy bien lo que dice algunas cosas, pero aun haci el juego esta genual

otro español que genial jsjsja

A downloadable (offline playable) Version would be great.

I encountered problems that the animations bacame stuck every view seconds, seemingly taking about ten seconds each time to load the following animation data. On my mobile device (Chrome) this lead to a black screen and a completely frozen game, requiring me to start it over.

Also, it would be nice, if you could distinguish between the male and female characters without having to bring up the "extended dialogue" options.

Besides from that I really like the game. The visuals look good and the core concept is interesting and serves it's purpose.  So I'm really looking forward to what will become of this project and hope it will grow and improve. ;)


The next version with be downloadable, will fix many issues and will feature a way to distinguish between male and female.
Look forward to it.


I do wonder if there will be a way to save your progress and do that through all updates

The next version will feature a save system.

Habrá forma de descargarlo o será únicamente para navegador?

Si bro, ya estaban trabajando en una versión descargable

ah y tal vez en las proximas actualizaciones, podrian mejorar mas el ambito romantico del juego, ya saben, para que sea mas real el tema del sexo, por que a nedie le pasa de que conoces a alguien y solamente con decir cuatro cosas ya estan en la cama.

pd: el juego es espectacular

Si mejoraran el tema de como conseguir que tengan sexo tendrias que jugar 40 horas para alfin poderte hacer la paja

acabo de jugar el juego, y me parece espectacular, creo que si este juego llega a ser un juego de PC, seria elmejor juego nopor del mundo

Es de pc esta en pc

Me gusto pero cuando sale la nueva actualizacion porque me encanto


Actually this should be a PC and android game, its pretty nice but after 10 minutes the game gets slow and it's almost impossible di the scenes

(2 edits) (+3)

This game has some potentials and actually really good, but need these stuff:
-Better optimization (faster loading, smoother cutscenes)
-An option to turn off music during sex scenes
-More Pokemon but that's already obvious
-Make the game accessible on Chrome
Other than that, yeah, this game's pretty good, will recommend it to other Poke-Furries for sure.


It’s just a black screen for me when I get to the sex scenes

same for me

I cant even load the game all the way without it restarting now. Is this a problem with my device or is the game undergoing something at the moment.


The current version has some issues with certain browsers like Firefox. Try switching to Chrome.
The next version is going to fix many compatibility issues like this one.

can you put more pose and action plz take your time


Needs gardevoirs in there

(1 edit) (-1)

Yeah I agree

The screen goes black and won't let me start the game, how do I solve this?

If you are on Chrome mobile just restart the page a few times, that is how I got it to work.

It's on computer

I have tried and struggled to get it started on PC (specifically Windows) but I hear that everyone is having more luck running it on Firefox than Chrome. Perhaps try that if you are willing enough.


When update


OMG this is fk amazing! and the game run very good on my pc, i wish you good luck with this project guys.


Sex scenes are extremely laggy, even though CPU and ram are barely being used. Also, description and comments say that there are male and females, but I made dozens of encounters and every single one was female.

Still looks promising! I like the style and relaxing theme.


The probability is 50/50, so you're really unlucky.

Cant realy load the game am i doing smth wrong?

(2 edits) (+3)

DiSW GhamE iZ DE bAst 10/10

(totaly feel nintendo will ban it bcs nintendo D:)

Deleted 4 years ago

This current version isn't designed to be download-ready, but the next version will be.

(1 edit)

for a suggestion for future builds, maybe we could have some identification between male and female pokemon? either a certain berry or main ingredient we add to determine the pokemon's gender, or symbols on the pokemon sprites themselves in the campsite to help us determine which is which. (also the ability to let pokemon go from your camp would be great, too! it says there was a way to in the tutorial, but it's fine if that's not implemented yet!)

The next update will allow for better identification of Pokémon genders.

Deleted 2 years ago

This first version do not yet feature a save function.


is it possible at all to tell us when and what the next update is

The next update will feature bug fixes, a downloadable version and new Pokémon. There's no release date as of yet, but it is planned to be out in a couple weeks.

(2 edits) (+4)

Cannot wait for downloadable version because I am having trouble starting it on Chrome...

Update: I got it to work now but after the sex scene with cinderace the game crashes...

Okay so it looks like it will work smoother the more you are on it in each session, so once you are past the loading screen it will be faster to restart the game the next time you use it.


Buen juego 🥵 deberían agregar más Pokémon, como ehhh Barixen... Lycanroc.. Eeveelutions.. pero aún así va muy bien, sigan así / Good game 🥵 they should add more Pokémon, like ehhh Barixen ... Lycanroc .. Eeveelutions .. but it's still going very well, continue to

tienes razon! hshs


Pls update it, i love it

(1 edit) (+2)

:) great game am satisfied love to see more

(4 edits) (+1)

I got 5:15.78 on Pokemon Pocket Campfire 100% Speedrun!!!!!!!

I challenge anyone  to beat that! >:)

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