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For some reason the game works perfectly fine on my phone, but won't load on my computer. No idea what's the issue here. Either way, I guess it makes for a great mobile game. Loving what content's there so far and I'm looking forward for what you'll do next.

Deleted 158 days ago

i don't know

Deleted 158 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I've tried with chrome, firefox, opera, microsoft edge...


I can't play, even restarting the site has a black screen, can someone help me?


I can play with chrome. Maybe try update to the latest version?


more is already updated in the latest version, can it be the pc? or is it really the browser?


Is there a minimum requirement to run this game?

This is a good and simple game, but whenever an nsfw scene comes on it turns black but you still see the pleasure bar and buttons on the side.  When the pleasure bar gets full the screen then freezes and it stays that way until I reset the page and lose all my progress. So does anyone have the same problem? And if you do is there a way to solve the problem? Or not

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

It doesn't feel fair to not been able to make the mons cum when you have sex, it's specially obvious with the male ones. You get off but they don't, doesn't seem fair, does it? 

Could you add more mons? Like Machoke, Obstagoon,Blaziken, Incineroar, Greninja, Garchomp,  Mega-Swampert, Passimian, etc...?

(1 edit) (+1)

Before everybody fucking spams the devs, look at the damn trello. It has all of the information on what they are working on, completed, and all the known-bugs. Stop re-posting the same stuff over and over again, first read the trello then post a suggestion or bug-fix if it isn’t listed there.


I was wondering if you can make the male mons climax when you climax and also can u add gardivor


reading your description make me do a 180, its like oh ok cute wholesome... im looking in nsfw... 😶

(1 edit) (+1)

finally got the game to load on firefox after refreshing 10 times. Doesn't work on anything chromium related.

Edit: Wow this game is great, super simple yet really fun. IF the dev adds a bunch of different mons then this might end up as one of the staples or adult gaming.

over 20 refreshes for me.i guess either you are lucky as hellor i have myusual horse manure luck


I think a good addition would be either Zoroark or Braxien/Delphox. Just ideas. i love the game and think its extremely well made, art style, mechanics everything!


This is so amazing! PLS add Zeraora!

(1 edit)

pros good animations smooth enjoyable 

cons doesn't work on firefox or itchio app guessing because its html the bar will go up abit then just completely stop

also no second lucario animation which makes lucario less checked out I know you removed the animation but probably should of removed lucario to until other scene was sorted

(1 edit) (+1)


-Very smooth

-sexy animations

-very enjoyable game


-the loading screen is too long for a game like this

-tends to crash a lot as well as getting stuck on a black screen


-adding more Pokémon and places to go

-maybe adding a story or more berrys

damn, i never got so turned on like in  that game, your work is great <3

(if i could make a suggestion, i want rougher options, like using both hands in cinderace oral on third speed)


im not able to load  :/


can you add more mons my requests are:


Eevee and it evolutions 

And ninetales

But if not its still an amazing game

now those are good ideas


Great game i can't wait for the new content


Will there be an option to have female trainer animations?

agregen a gardevoar hombre  mujer osa gardevoar con pene

(1 edit)

Add all pokemon


Dosnt load for me

Deleted 158 days ago

In the next version. It should be available in a couple weeks, but no current release date as of yet.

well i got it to work on my  iphone i dubble taped my home butten and went to youtube (app) with a video that was paused hit play then after 1sc i whent back to the game (needs to be during a scene) and then hit one of the buttens that increase the speed of the activity and waited then it played dont know why but it worked i also fliped my screen so that might have help. on ios safari and same with fire fox so its somthing with game or ios


Como guardo los datos?

No se puede bro, tal vez en la siguiente actualización ya que van a hacer que el juego sea descargable.

(3 edits) (+5)(-1)

here is what pokemon i hope get added 

eevee and its evolutions 








the shield and sword dogos (zamazenta is zacians brother and zacians is his sister its says it in the english pokedex)















































zyguard dog form






if you do decide to add all of these (i doubt) i will be amazed 

i was gonna ask for sogaleo lugia and requaza  but they are massive.

maybe shinys can appear to 

and i just noticed how long this is......... not demanding this just hoping also this dose not work on mobile at all. again im hoping not demanding or begging 


The devs are more on bug fixing right now. Later they will add more mons and stuff. Plus the game came out a couple weeks ago. Give it some time.

Deleted 4 years ago

That is a pretty good list. Hopefully we see some from the list make it in.

it doesnt seem to want to load for me, sometimes itl go to 20% then stop, sometimes it will be around 40% but it never fully loads

same  here

For me it stops anywhere between 20 and 90 

can you just continu to add more pokmeon every update plz

(1 edit) (+1)

the game doesnt load through the installer or through chrome browser

any idea?

probs should add that im on windows 7

Not sure...
Might be a version thing for Chrome, I would advise trying a different browser (Edge maybe). We're working on resolving these kinds of issues in the meantime, stay put!

i gave edge a go bit a similar issue is this a unity or html5 game as i might be having issues with the engine itsel

And maybe add Umbreon too


My friend said add furret so 

But 10/10 game


I wish there was a save mechanic for this game or im just stupid and can't find it


Nope, you're not stupid ;)
We omitted saving for now since it proved troublesome for some browsers, we'll be adding saving features in the upcoming downloadable version.

(1 edit)

ok. Thanks for letting me know I hope a save feature is added in the future 

Also I can't get rid of mons on mobile browser or pc browser 


How i download the Game ?

Right now we only have this web version, so it can't be downloaded.
We are working on a downloadable version though, so keep an eye out for when that drops.

I downloaded it and it won't load.

it does the same thing to me


Theres this bug that whenever I get the "make out" button my screen just goes black and the farthest that I've got in the game when it starts to have sex but my screen just went black 😡😡😡😡

This might be a browser related issue, I'd advise trying a different browser and / or device if you have one. Firefox is definitely troublesome and we're working on resolving issues like this!

Fantastic game, can't wait to see where this could go



Omg This game is exactly what i love about pokemon! So inspiring <

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